Programme planning
Scouts against Malaria is an educational initiative which relates to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal of healthy living for all . In addition through being a World Wide Movement, it facilitates how Scouts in one country such as the United Kingdom can help Scouts in other countries such as in sub Saharan Africa to serve their Communities by reducing the incidence of Malaria,
In planning a typical programme, one should aim to –
Introduce the topic
Undertake a set of activities related to age range
Discuss how we can help Scouts in other Countries to prevent the disease
Introducing the topic
Sitting in a circle, initiate a discussion about what is required to lead a healthy life
Consider why this is more difficult in tropical areas and what is known about malaria
Show one of the two videos which describes how malaria occurs and why malaria can be so deadly
How one can prevent being bitten by sleeping under a bed net.
Video links
Friends against malaria [6+]
Peter Capaldi (Dr Who) visits the main hospital in Lilongwe, Malawi [11+]
Select a set of activities from Resources which groups like sixes or patrols can undertake to understand the nature of the disease and how it can be prevented.
If time permits create a framework of bamboo canes over which a bed net can be erected and challenge the group to enter the enclosure and ensure that there are no gaps into which a mosquito could enter.
Helping African Scouts
Discuss what Scouts in African countries are doing with financial help from UK Scout Groups.
Show one of the videos which describe a typical campaign
Discuss how your Section/Group could raise funds (suggest £5/head) to help African Scouts reduce the incidence of malaria.
Video links
What Scouts in Malawi are doing [11+]
What Scouts in Uganda are doing [6+]
Resource box
A box with most of the resources can also be ordered click here to go to order form
Typical programme for a Beaver Colony or Cub Scout pack
Circle- discuss how malaria occurs and why is it so deadly
why most tropical diseases cannot be vaccinated against of which one is malaria
Explain that this evening we are going to learn something about this illness, how it can be prevented and consider we can do to help others so they do not catch malaria.
Video clip - Friends against malaria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16plJGNvJX8
This video is suitable for younger persons and is told through the eyes of two friends one from Africa and one from the UK. It explains what malaria is, how it is contracted, who is affected, symptoms and how it can be prevented. It can be used as a gentle way to introduce children to the idea of malaria.
Circle - discuss in which parts of Africa mosquitos are found
Team game – map of Africa – identify which countries suffer from malaria and which are safe by using coloured pencils
Individual – cut out the shape of a mosquito from card, add proboscis and balance it
Team game – mosquito drive –complete a mosquito by colouring in its parts through throwing a dice
Team activity – erect a mosquito net and getting everyone safely inside – requires making a framework from bamboo canes and hanging bed net from this frame
Circle – what Scouts in 4 African countries are doing and how UK Scouts are helping – what can we do to earn the Scouts against Malaria badge.
activity items
Video clip Projector, laptop
Where mosquitos found Images, Maps of Africa,Coloured pencils
Balancing a mosquito Cards with mosquito shape, Scissors, Toothpick, Blue tac,Self adhesive tape
Mosquito drive Mosquito outline, Dice
Erecting a bed net Bed net, Bamboo canes, String, Scissors
How can we help SAM badge, Images
Typical programme for a Scout Troop or Explorer Unit
Circle- establish what they know about childhood diseases and vaccination; why some illnesses cannot be vaccinated against of which one is malaria
Discuss how malaria occur and why is it so deadly
Explain that this evening we are going to learn something about this illness, how it can be prevented and consider we can do to help others so they do not catch malaria
Video clip - Peter Capaldi (Dr Who) visits the main hospital in Lilongwe, Malawi
[11+] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgsBbVbpi4g
The video above is suitable for older persons and is narrated by Peter Capaldi and illustrates vividly the impact of malaria. It talks about malaria, and what can happen if someone is bitten and is unable to be treated in time and has a sad ending. Provides basis of what one can do to save a life
Circle - discuss inwhich parts of Africa mosquitos are found and why
Team game – map of Africa – identify which countries suffer from malaria and which are safe by using two coloured pencils
Team game – facts about malaria – consider which facts are true and which false or
Team game – transmission of malaria – consider how malaria is transmitted
Individual – assemblea mosquitofrom pipe cleaners
Team activity – erect a mosquito net and getting everyone safely inside – requires making a framework from bamboo canes and hanging bed net from this frame
Circle – what Scouts in 4 African countries are doing and how UK Scouts are helping – what can we do to earn the Scouts against Malaria badge.
activity items
Video clip Projector, laptop
Where mosquitos found Images, Map of Africa, Coloured pencils
Assemble a mosquito Pipe cleaners
Facts about malaria Set of cards
Transmission of malaria Set of cards
Erecting a bed net Bed net, Bamboo canes. String. Scissors
How can we help SAM badge, Images